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Perceval & Cloud Webinar #5

Watch our exciting fifth webinar as we delve into the latest updates and innovations in the world of Perceval and Quandela Cloud! In this session, we’ll be exploring Quandela Toolbox.

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Perceval & Cloud Webinar #4

Watch our exciting fourth webinar as we delve into the latest updates and innovations in the world of Perceval and Quandela Cloud! In this engaging session, we’ll be exploring brand-new features and much more, with the invaluable insights of our special guest speakers!

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Perceval & Cloud Webinar #3

Watch our third webinar as we discuss the Perceval and Quandela Cloud updates, new features, and more! With us a special guest who joined: Eric Bertasi – Senior Scientific Developer who shared his insights and perspectives on the latest developments.

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Perceval & Cloud Webinar #2

Watch our second webinar as we discuss the Perceval and Quandela Cloud updates, new features, and more! With us two special guests who joined: Brian Siegelwax (Freelance Quantum Algorithm Designer & QML Researcher) and Brian Ventura (Consultant in Quantum Computing Applications at Sigma Reply) who shared their insights and perspectives on the latest developments.

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Perceval & Cloud Webinar #1

Watch our first webinar as we discuss the Perceval and Quandela Cloud updates, new features, troubleshooting, benchmark performance, and more!

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How to get started with Quandela’s QPU through OVHcloud

Wanna know how to get started with Quandela’s QPU through OVHcloud? In this video tutorial we’ll show you how in 4 easy steps.

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How To Get Started With Quandela Cloud – Tutorial

Are you wondering how to start using Quandela Cloud? Well, you’re in luck because we are going to walk you through the simple 4 steps with the following tutorial!

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BS Based Implementation – Perceval

To what extend can manufacturing errors in beam splitters affect performance of universal interferometers? Apollonie tackles this question with Quandela’s photonic development toolkit: Perceval.

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Tensor Network Simulation for Imperfect Boson Sampling

In this tutorial, Thibaud investigates if we can simulate Imperfect Boson Sampling (an important application of linear optical quantum circuits) on a classical computer.

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Boson Sampling: A Quantum Advantage

Marceau demontrates how we can harness a quantum advantage from Boson Sampling. Watch to find out if quantum advantage holds on a noisy physical system!

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Randomness Generation from Single Device

Raphaël explains why generating random data is not as easy as it may seem, then offers some possible solutions using quantum technology.

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Verification of Delegated Quantum Computations

In this video, Luca shows how we can build trust in our quantum computers at Quandela, by verifying the output of quantum algorithms.

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LOv-Calculus: Graphical Language for Linear Optics

Nicolas presents a new graphical language, used to efficiently describe linear optical circuits: LOv-Calculus.

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Certified Randomness Generation

In this tutorial, Boris outlines how with quantum algorithm we can generate certified random data; a task which is impossible to accomplish using classical methods.

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Certification and error mitigation of near-term photonic quantum devices

In this video, Rawad investigates the conditions necessary to harness a quantum advantage from near term photonic devices – primarily with error mitigation.

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Pascale Senellart – Photos: The Quantum Link | Distinguished Lecturer Prize 2020 Live

As MCQST Distinguished Lecturer , Prof. Pascale Senellart is giving a series of talks targeted to varied audiences. This public talk is designed for anybody curious about quantum science — even complete beginners!

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Les débuts de l’ordinateur quantique – par Pascale Senellart-Mardon

Conférence grand public d’intérêt général donnée par Pascale Senellart-Mardon, et organisée par la section Paris-Sud de la Société Française de Physique

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BQIT:21 Session Four – Niccolo Somaschi (Quandela)

“Modular Optical Quantum Computing” by Niccolo Somaschi (Quandela) from Session Four of BQIT:21 (Bristol Quantum Information Technology Workshop)

Who are we

Quandela is a European start up that provides photonic quantum computers that are modular, scalable, energy-efficient and accessible both on the cloud and on premise. Our team specialises in the development of both software and hardware solutions for a variety of quantum applications. We offer a wide range of services, from developing the most efficient and brightest single photons sources, to creating algorithms for quantum computers and providing cloud quantum computing solutions. 

Join our team

As an applicant at Quandela, you will join a dynamic and international team of scientists, engineers, technologists, and business professionals. You will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the development of innovative solutions that will have a global impact. We are looking for passionate and ambitious people who are eager to learn and grow with us. 

Who trusts us

At Quandela, we are committed to providing end-users with the best quantum computing experience. Our team specialises in the development of both software and hardware solutions for a variety of quantum applications and provides you with the most reliable and cost-effective solutions. Our goal is to make quantum computing accessible and easy to use for everyone. Our technology is backed by the world's leading industry partners, investors, and funding agencies – join us and unlock the potential of quantum computing. 

Ask for solutions

Take your business to the next level with Quantum Computing. We help companies solve their business challenges with quantum computing. Learn how to leverage our quantum technology in your product or service now!