Our Full Stack Approach to Quantum Computing

There are hard computational problems all around in any industry – Quandela leverage the power of single photons to solve complex problems. Let us show you how with an example.

Molecules are the building blocks of our world, but understanding their true nature is far from simple.
One of the most challenging problems in chemistry and materials science is determining a molecule’s properties such as its ground state energy, excited states, three-dimensional spatial structure, electronic configuration, reactivity, binding affinities, and interactions with solvents or other molecules.
This information is crucial for developing new drugs, creating advanced materials or improving properties of existing materials, discovering new solutions, and understanding complex biological processes, etc.


Crafting Algorithms to Decode Molecular Mysteries

Our team develops quantum algorithms tailored to unravel complex molecular structures. We specialize in techniques like the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), which can efficiently compute the ground-state energy, potential energy surface of molecules, and other properties that can be formulated as an energy minimization problem, a task that becomes exponentially challenging for classical computers as molecular complexity increases.

These problems can be modelled mathematically

through a so-called fermionic Hamiltonian formulation:

which can be mapped to a linear sum of Pauli strings (Qubit Hamiltonian), the evaluation of which is suited to quantum computers

And represented with a quantum algorithm

With our algorithm designed, we leverage the power of our cloud platform to bring molecular simulations to life.


This is where the power of our cloud infrastructure comes into play.

The quantum algorithm is deployed to our advanced quantum processors through Quandela Cloud. This cloud-based approach ensures that our cutting-edge quantum solutions are accessible and scalable, allowing researchers and businesses to harness the full potential of photonic quantum computing from anywhere in the world.

Those algorithms are run through Quandela Cloud

While the cloud provides the interface, the true quantum magic happens in our proprietary hardware.


Photonic Quantum Computer : Where Quantum Meets Reality

Our cutting-edge photonic Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are the culmination of years of research and engineering. These processors, designed and manufactured by Quandela, leverage the power of light to perform quantum computations.

The qubit generator

At the hearth of the Quantum Computer, our quantum dots are emitting single-photons that are “flying qubits” that will go through configurable interference to perform quantum computations

Precision Photon Routing

Active demultiplexer followed by fibered delays converts the train of single photons into parallel photons arriving at the same time in the photonic chip

Photonic Chip

In the chip, the single photon state go through a configurable unitary transformation, actually realizing the user circuit.

Single Photon Detection

Photons are detected at the chip output by superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and detection times are processed by a correlator

While our quantum hardware orchestrates the computations, the molecular structures materialize in the interpretation of results


From raw Data to Molecular Insights

Our cutting-edge photonic Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are the culmination of years of research and engineering. These processors, designed and manufactured by Quandela, leverage the power of light to perform quantum computations.

Resulting in Sample Distribution

Our photonic quantum computer produces a distribution of samples representing possible molecular states. Visualized as a histogram, each bar represents a specific quantum state, with its value indicating probability. This distribution encapsulates the quantum nature of the molecule, showing all possible configurations simultaneously.



The sample distribution is processed using a user-defined algorithm, typically in Python. This algorithm translates quantum states into energy levels, identifies the ground state(lowest energy configuration) which can be used to construct a potential energy surface for the molecule and its possible configurations. It bridges the quantum world and our classical understanding of molecular geometry.


The final output is a detailed 3D model of the molecule in its most stable configuration. This visualization brings quantum results into a tangible form, showing the spatial arrangement of atoms, bond lengths, and angles. It provides crucial insights for applications in drug design, materials engineering, and fundamental chemistry research.


Understand more about VQE algorithms

and see more application examples on

our Quantum Processor Units

Learn more about developing quantum algorithms (develop page from Quandela Hub).